Friday, May 3, 2013

Strategies for Car Insurance Claims and Smart Shopping

The night Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast, Mandee Bellarosa and her roommates were hunkered down in their multilevel condominium in Hoboken, New Jersey. At 9 pm, the power went out, and shortly afterward they went to bed.
Bellarosa woke just two hours later when a friend called with bad news. Water was already entering his garage, where she had earlier parked her 2009 Volkswagen Jetta, hoping to keep it out of harm's way. Despite the blackout, she could see that the streets below her windows were fast becoming rivers.
It wasn't until the following afternoon that the water had receded enough for Bellarosa to venture outside, and even then it was a knee-deep trudge to check on the status of her car. The Jetta actually looked OK, but when she opened the driver's door, water poured out.
Car shopping would probably be the last thing on your mind if you were caught in a natural disaster. But events like the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan or this year's so-called Frankenstorm can destroy tens of thousands of cars in little more than the blink of an eye, leaving their owners no choice but to pick a replacement vehicle as they start to rebuild their lives.
Even a lesser calamity — a toppled oak or a deer leaping from a dark wood — can unexpectedly leave someone without wheels, while life continues forward at full speed.
In these situations, the last thing you want is any more stress or drama. With that in mind, here are a few basic strategies — from filing car insurance claims to car shopping — to get you back on the road as swiftly and painlessly as possible.
Determining if Your Car Insurance Covers Natural Disasters
You'll want to establish what's covered by your car insurance policy before making any big decisions. "If your car was damaged in [a storm like] Sandy, it is likely covered if you have comprehensive coverage as part of your auto insurance policy," says J. Robert Hunter, director of insurance for the Consumer Federation of America. Comprehensive coverage — which is sometimes known as "other than collision" insurance — "covers many things that could happen in a storm, including water or flood damage, falling objects including trees, signs and such, and wind damage," he says.
People with newer cars usually have this coverage. But Hunter also advises those with older cars, who may be thinking of dropping collision from their policies, to "keep the usually much less costly comprehensive coverage." It can be especially important if they live in areas prone to floods, high winds, earthquakes or other calamities.
"File your claim fast, as they are usually settled on a first-come, first-served basis," he advises. This is critically important after a widespread disaster like Sandy, since insurers can quickly become overwhelmed with claims. Bellarosa, for instance, has gone weeks without a final settlement for her totaled Jetta despite almost daily calls to her adjuster.
And if you don't have comprehensive coverage, check your homeowner's or renter's policy. In some cases, it may cover disaster-related damage to your car.
Depending on the scale of the natural disaster, you may also be eligible for assistance, typically in the form of a loan, from one of a number of state and federal agencies. to see what help is available to replace your car.
Document Your Case
As soon as it's safe to do so, grab your camera or cell phone and snap some photos of the damage. Make sure to get shots from various angles — front, back, side, above and below — as well as pictures from inside the car, including the trunk and engine bay. Resist the urge to start cleaning up the mess immediately; it's best to get photos of the car as you found it. Clear evidence like this can help your insurance company understand the nature and extent of the damage — and whether it makes sense to attempt a repair.
Diana Dyckes, another Sandy victim from Hoboken, returned to her 2011 Subaru Legacy the day after the storm. Inside she found small ponds of floodwater in the cupholders and residue on the seats and roof lining. She snapped photos of what, to some, might appear to be light damage. But these signs of exposure to brackish water demonstrated to her insurer that the car was a total loss. Her later discovery of a flooded trunk and a failed ignition bore that out.
A car is typically declared a total loss if the anticipated costs of repairing it exceed approximately 70 percent of its estimated replacement value. Make sure your car is given its proper due in this equation by using an online appraisal tool like's True Market Value (TMV)®. The tool allows you to create your own estimate, which you can then compare to the amount determined by your insurer.
Remember that your car's specific odometer reading as well as its trim, options and condition all affect its value, so make sure that any estimates have accounted for these details correctly. If you happen to have any clear "before" photos of the car, maybe from that Sunday afternoon you spent washing and waxing it, these can help you verify the car's actual condition prior to the incident.
Stand Your Ground — and Escalate if Necessary
By following these steps, you may be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to reach a comfortable settlement with your insurer. But that's not always the case, of course.
Hunter, a veteran of the insurance industry, recommends keeping a record of all interactions you have with your insurer after making a claim, including the date and time, the person you spoke with and what he or she told you. Having a detailed record of these conversations can come in handy if there are any issues with settling your claim.
Know that you aren't required to accept the first settlement offer you get, says Hunter. Ask the adjuster to be specific about how he or she determined the settlement amount. If it doesn't seem fair, make your case using the evidence you've gathered in the steps outlined above.
"If you still have trouble," says Hunter, "complain." And don't just ask for your adjuster's immediate supervisor. Talk instead to the claims office manager, who will likely be more motivated to wrap things up both quickly and to your satisfaction. If that doesn't work, push it a step further by seeking out the vice president or director of claims at the insurer's home office.
You can also file a complaint with the insurance commissioner's office in your home state. Most offices have online forms you can use to file the complaint along with your supporting documentation. Keep in mind, though, that resolution via this path usually takes longer than working directly with your insurer. The paperwork involved with settling complaints made to commissioners' offices is burdensome to insurers, so simply threatening to file one may by itself motivate your insurer to act in your favor.
If all else fails, your last resort is to contact an attorney. Insurance companies take legal action quite seriously, in part because of the public relations problems they have the potential to bring.
Ready, Set, Whoa
Let's say you're happy with your settlement and you've got a check in hand. All that's left now is to hit the dealership and buy your new car, right? Not so fast. Tempting as that may be, it's important to take your time and do the proper research beforehand, just as you would with a purchase under normal circumstances.
In fact, taking your time may be even more critical in the wake of a disaster. analysts estimated that in the immediate aftermath of Sandy, the price of a used car in affected areas jumped as much as $1,000, due to damaged dealer stock as well as interruptions in the supply chain.
If you're in desperate need of a set of wheels, try borrowing a car from a friend, joining a carpool at work or signing up for a car-sharing plan like Zipcar. Or consider renting a car for a week or so while you navigate the purchase process. This expense can pay for itself and then some, since it buys you time to evaluate your options thoroughly and find the best possible deal.
Once you finally have a moment to think, check out our Car Buying Guide for top picks of new cars in every type and price range. Try the strategies outlined in our "Quick Guide to Buying a New Car" to streamline your purchase. If you know what you want, you can buy a new car in a day.
Folks shopping the used-car market should review's Used Car Best Bets and our"Quick Guide to Buying a Used Car."
Also, in the aftermath of any widespread destruction, be wary of unscrupulous sellers who may be trying to unload flood-damaged cars. Telltale signs include stained carpets or upholstery, electrical glitches or musky odors. As always, if the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Car Incentives to the Rescue? 
Be aware that some manufacturers and dealers may be offering incentives specifically for disaster victims. Bellarosa, for instance, found an excellent deal while shopping to replace the Jetta she lost in Hurricane Sandy. She loved her old car but couldn't pass up the employee pricing and discounted financing that Nissan has offered to those within federally designated disaster and emergency areas. She now drives a brand-new Nissan Altima.
Other manufacturers offered similar deals, as well as relief plans for owners having trouble keeping up with their car payments in the weeks after the storm. Meanwhile, some dealerships in the area were advertising "hurricane pricing" as well as perks like on-site insurance adjusters or a free generator with every new car purchase.
Remember to research the details of a disaster-related incentive just as you would any other, using tools like's car Incentives & Rebates page. It's important to stay informed. Bellarosa, for example, shopped carefully and left one dealership after being "steps away" from purchasing a car.
The salesman was less than forthcoming about the deals that were available to me regarding Sandy when he knew from the beginning that was why I was in the market for a new car," she says.
Moving On
Both Bellarosa and Dyckes, who lost her Subaru to the storm surge, are moving on with their lives now. But they are not likely to forget Hurricane Sandy any time soon. Bellarosa is finally behind the wheel of a new car, but she still hasn't received an insurance check for the old one. Most recently, she found that a strongly worded e-mail to her adjuster garnered an apologetic reply — but still no specific details on her settlement.
Dyckes, on the other hand, received a swift settlement from her insurance company, the highly rated USAA. However, she has decided to forego replacing her car for now. "I take a ferry to work," she says of her daily trips into Manhattan. And on days off, whenever she's needed to get somewhere, she's been able to rely on public transportation or simply her own two feet.
In the future she may consider a car-sharing program where, when you've finished using the car, you can simply return it and walk away.
Coincidentally, her hometown of Hoboken offers just such a plan, called Corner Cars, in partnership with Hertz. Unfortunately, a number of their cars were also damaged in the storm.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Bapak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Senam

Salam ngadubanteng masbro ..untuk menjaga kesehatan jasmani bapak presiden kita senam bareng dan angle dari fotografer ini cukup unik he he..

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Durian Ternyata Bisa Bikin Perut Langsing Otot Badan Jadi Lebih Kencang

Durian eh lupo ambo masbro salam ngadubanteng masbro...!!

Sapa yang belum pernah makan durian?
Kalau belum pernah makan pasti masbro ga suka dengan aroma durian ini, kalau ngadubanteng bilang kalau masbro ga suka dengan durian itu masbro belum menikmati salah satu kenikmatan dunia ha ha!!
Masbro bermasalah dengan berat badan? 
Merasa tidak percaya diri karena berat badan ? 
Kegemukan bisa dikarenakan hormon dan pola makan yang salah,maksudnya disini pola makan yang salah..terlebih lagi bagi kaum bernenen atau hawa adalah ngemil .. mulut mereka seakan macam kaya tempat penggilingan tidak pernah berhenti menggiling dan terus mengunyah dan memasukanmateri berlemak ke dalam mulutnya kriiiuuk..kriuuk gitu bunyinya yah masbro kalau makan krupuk!

Solusi kalau anda yang gemuk dan gendut kaya ikan paus kedampar di pantai masbro ngadubanteng punya trik dan tips biar masbro jadi berkurang berat badanya..Kegemukan itu karena makan maka kita definisikan dulu masalah yang akan kita hadapi masbro yaitu kegemukan maka kita akan berperang dengan lemak! 

Saat masbro punya pola makan maka kita tiap hari akan mengikuti pola makan tersebut dan perut akan berdemo saat perut tidak di isi sesuai dengan pola makan dan kebiasaan makan kita tersebut!!

Pada dasarnya sarapan itu sangat penting masbro karena dalam semalam kita tidur tidak makan dan kita akan melakukan aktifitas dan akan membutuhkan tenaga maka sarapan itu sangat penting masbro, makan siang juga sangat dianjurkan masbro jangan sampai telat makan siang ..kenapa orang telat makan bisa sakit lambung bahkan bisa kronis perutnya berasa ada dinosaurus lari-lari muter-muter diperut kita?

Jadi perut itu akan menggiling kaya meremas dan akan mengluarkan asam dan kalau tidak berisi makanan maka usus kita akan bisa terluka karena asam langsung kenan dinding usus kita karena pada waktu jam makan usus kita kosong ! 
Mulailah hidup sehat dengan pola dan menu makan yang tepat, makan tidak perlu banyak tapi yang penting makanan yang bergizi!   
Sayur buah-buahan jangan lupa menjadi menu konsumsi masbro!


Jadi ini adalah racikan rahasia leluhur masbro durian itu ternyata mengandung zat-zat dan vitamin yang cukup unik saat masbro makan durian 5 biji masbro pasti akan muntah-muntah bahkan masbro ga bisa menghabiskanya oke menurut penilitian durian bisa menurunkan berat badan dan membuat oto-otot bdan masbro jadi kenceng oke saatnya ngadubanteng bocorin rahasia leluhur!!
CARANYA : Masbro gendong durian tersebut kemudian masbro lari mengitari lapangan seribukali dan waktunya siang hari pastikan matahari terang benderang lakukan kegiatan tersebut berulang sampai tubuh masbro beranjak langsing! 
Selamat mencoba salam sehat dengan cara tepat !!


Perbedaan Orang Sombong Sama Orang Sukses

Salam ngadubanteng masbroo mbakbroo mbahbrooo..
Masbro pernah merasakan hidup kan? Ha ha pastinya masbro masih hidup orang bisa postingan ngadubanteng. Oke masbro kali ini ngadubanteng akan membahas topik yang bisa dikatakan penting dan ga penting soalnya kita bakal ngomongin orang ha ha!! 
Sombong bisa dikatakan sebuah sifat dari manusia yang berlebihan dalam menyikapi sebuah keadaan yang sebenarnya itu adalah keadaan yang biasa saja! Semisalkan orang sombong itu macam kaya gini.. dia mau beli kopi dan warung hanya berjarak 9 meter tapi dia belinya pake helikopter, gilaaak bisa bayangin ga masbro apa yang akan terjadi pasti warungnya bakal ancur berantakan kena angin dari helikopter tersebut..ya biasalah orang sombong itu nyusain orang aja!!

Kenapa kita bisa sombong? Karena kita merasa paling bisa dan paling tahu tapi itu dari sudut pandang kita sendiri saat melihat kemampuan kita sendiri tanpa memperhatikan kemapuan orang lain dan memandang kemampuan orang lain di bawah kita maka penyakit sombong akan menjangkit pada diri kita!
Sebabnya sombong? Kurang kesiapan mental dan psikis saat dihadapkan pada sebuah keadaan yang lebih baik daripada masa lalunya dan kita merasa paling berhasil dan paling sukses!

Orang sombong ciri-cirinya apa?
Pasti si orang sombong akan menonjolkan apa yang dia miliki dan ia merasa orang lain tidak punya dan akan merasa kagum saat orang lain melihat apa yang dia bawa tersebut ,
 Contohnya...Biasnya orang biasa jalan-jalan bawa hewan peliharaan macam kaya kucing, anjing tapi kalau orang sombong ma beda dia ga bakal puas cuman bawa hewan macam kaya gitu dia akan bawa jalan-jalan Gajah masbro...!!

Dia baru mendapatkan posisi, keadaan, harta,barang atau situasi yang kontras dari sebelumnya maka kita menjadi shock kadang kita berlebihan dalam mengungkapkan kebahagian kita!
Contohnya.. Baru punya pacar baru kalau orang sombong mengungkapkan kebahagianya kadang terlalu lebai media social macam facebook salah satu sarana pemuas nafsu sombongnya he he jadi kalau orang sombong punya pacar baru dia bakal relain nyewa papan space iklan yang ukuranya 12 meter x 11 meter buat kasih tahu kalau dia abis jadian!!

Jadi orang sombong itu malah macam kaya orang hiper aneh suka berbuat dan bertindak suka pamer tanpa kontrol , karena sombong itu kadang perlu masbro tapi sombonglah pada tempat dan waktu yang tepat ha ha jadi perbedaan orang sombong dan orang sukses adalah kalau ngadubanteng ketemu orang sombong rasanya pengen lempar batu bata sendalanya trus sendalnya baru aku lemparin kemukanya , kalau ketemu orang sukses ngadubanteng akan bertanya dan belajar sama orang sukses tersebut he he!
Salam orang sombong!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tebak Simbah Naik Apa Hoya Hayo

Salam ngadubanteng masbrooo..
Banyak motor banyak mobil...bisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing juga polusi, naik kuda naik sepeda naik sapi dan onta nyaman bebas berisik polusi juga paling ranjau di darat he he semua pasti ada plus minusnya masbro..!!
Pada suatu siang di sekitar kandang menjangan daerah yogyakarta ada seorang kakek kakek telah mencuri perhatianku diantara lalu lalang kendaraan dan suasana di sekitar kandang menjangan!
Seorang kakek dengan pakaian tradisinal dengan semangat yang terpancar begitu besar dari raut wajahnya yang berseri menutup semua garis garis usia tuanya!

Ternyata semangat itu tak pernah padam saat melihat kakek tua ini memecah suasana pada siang itu, kesederhanaan dan pancaran semangatnya telah membuat dirinya sebagai seorang yang paling gagah pada saat itu lihat aja masbro videonya  aye jadi mikir ini kakek naik apa yah kok naiknya mentak mentul enak gini apa si kakek naik kuda? naik onta? atau naik harley Davidson atau sepeda motor atau bahkan hanya jalan saja ini akan menjadi sebuah misteri karena hanya saya saja yang tahu ha ha ha kalau masbro pengen tahu dan penasaran si kakek sedang naik apa masbro tongkrong aja di daerah kandang menjangan buat melihat si kakek ini naik apa! kakeknya keren kan masbro !! he he salam kakek keyen!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Konsumsi Indomie dengan cara yang salah bisa berujung kematian

Salam ngadubanteng masbro..
Kesehatan itu adalah harta yang paling berharga masbro mari kita jaga kesehatan dengan cara yang tepat dari pola makan atau pola hidup dan pola pikir kita ! Kita hidup harus seimbang antara jasmani dan rohani maka masbro untuk memenuhi konsumsi rohani masbro beribadah menurut keprcayaan masbro tentunya!

Kesehatan itu kalau ngadubanteng pikir terpusat dari jiwa masbro sendiri coba perhatikan disekeliling masbro yang orangnya urakan dan easy going orangnya lebih sehat dibanding dengan orang yang suka mengurusi urusan orang lain coba saja kebanyakan orang macam kaya gitu mudah terserang penyakit jantung bahkan stroke! Jadi kekuatan jiwa yang sumeleh sangat diperlukan untuk menjaga jasmani kita saat rohani kita damai dan tenteram maka jasmani juga akan selaras dengan rohani kita!

Wueeeee maap masbro aye kan bahas indomie yah kenapa bisa kesana kemari hehe,.. Indomie makanan instan yang satu ini adalah teman setia anak kost dan indomie teman kalau malam hari ga ada lauk! Indomie sendiri mudah dibuat dan dikonsumsi! Banyak juga yang langsung dimakan tanpa harus dimasak terlebih dulu bumbu dimasukin diremes remes trus dikocok - kocok di buka dan dimakan isinya jangan plastiknya masbro nanti kesedek!

Tapi tahu ga masbro dalam sudut instan ada bahaya yang mengintai masbro saat masbro mengkonsumsi indomie secara salah masbro bisa mati instan pula oke masbro ngadubanteng akan memberikan contoh kasus cara mengkonsumsi yang salah indomie berujung kematian begini kronologinya masbro!

Biasnaya kalau masak indomie kaya begini kan masbro :
Beli indomie dulu di warung terdekat 
Nyalakan kompor dengan api sedang tapi kalau lagi laper yah api yang gede ga papa terus taruh panci berisi air untuk direbus, setelah mendidih baru di masukan indomie tadi bumbunya nanti masbro jadi bakmi keringnya aja yang direbus!
kalau mau fareasi rasa di kasih telur dipecah dulu masbro dibuang kulitnya kasih bawang merah sama cabe buat memantabkan rasa dan setelah cukup masak lalu tiriskan masukan kedalam mangkok!

Nah di atas seperti itu kan masbro kalau bikin indomie terus yang salah dan bikin kematian instan apa masbro?
Yang bikin mati instan adalah kalau masbro bikinnya indomie di tengah ringroad , ditengah jalan yang padat dan ramai, ditengah rel kereta api, bikin indomie sambil terjun bebas tanpa parasut.. jadi begitu masbro kehidupan itu kaya gitu juga masbro kadang kita membuat yang sepele menjadi sesuatu yang mematikan kalau kita menggunakan sudut pandang yang negatif terus jadi keep positif thinking masbro salam indomie rebus!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tips dan trik membuat undangan pernikahan sendiri murah

Salam ngadubanteng masbro..
Masbro suka desain dan suka bikin desain masbro pengen buka jasa desain undangan pernikahan, ngadubanteng akan kasih tips dan trik membuat undangan pernikahan murah dan meriah tentunya kaya pasar malem he..
Kadang kita dimanja oleh para jasa bikin undangan karena kita ga punya waktu dan tidak tahu proses membuat undangan membuat kita menyerah dan memutuskan untuk membuat undangan pernikahan ke jasa undangan!
Kalau masbro paham masbro akan bengong soalnya kalau masbro jalan sendiri atau bikin desain undangan pernikahan sendiri akan lebih murah bisa dikatakan masbro ngirit buaaanget!
Gini gampanganya kalau kita ke jasa desain undangan per undangan ada yang dihargai Rp.5000 kalau dengan trik ngadubanteng bikin undangan pernikahan murah masbro cukup satu undangan bisa habis Rp.2000 dah ngirit rp.3000 undangan tinggal dikalikan saja jumlah undagan masbro he..
Mau jelasin panjang maka ngadubanteng bikin ebook gratis buat masbro yang tertarik bikin undagan pernikan murah dalam ebook saya juga aye kasih tip dan trik mendapatkan souvenir pernikahan murah

Kalau masbro sudah bikin undangan masbro pasti akan membuat label nama undangankan di sini masbro sudah aye siapkan buat masbro file format corelldraw klik di mari masbro triknya dan download file format label corelldraw